Thursday, December 21, 2006

Africa Swallow ME

A poem by a member of Iqhude youth Theatre Group and featured on our CD :African Satsung!

Africa Swallow Me:

Her mountains prominently welcome you as her trade mark
Across those mountains lies beneath
The tranquility of our uniqueness
The Revolutional Land profounded with
gigantic philosophy
Born and Bred under the Beautiful Clear Sky
With the sun blazing down directly on to
My brown Skin

Africa Swallow Me

The land that infiltrates morality and dignity
Down to its’ abundant Soil
Nourished with love and peace
I walk: Ndihamba Ndiyathela with Pride
Ngesidima Nesithozela

Though you have indulged yourself in agony
Though you have shed endless tears
Though you have contributed controversy amongst your children
Thunder Stormy weather you have engulfed
Africa Still you give birth to sunshine

I salute you heroes and heroines
For swallowing their pride and amplifying the empire of omAfrica
They have all tasted the victory of freedom
Our generation commemorates with monumentous decorative tapestry
Forgetting not the Hottentots and Khoi- khois artistry
We are the generation of our ancestry
She flows with prosperity
Perishing away the impediments
blocking our journey through life
Suddenly we are all united together
by this rhythm made by the creatures on the face of the earth
Africa we hold our future in our hands
Africa you shall swallow me.

Andisiwe Mba.

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