Spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravishankar called for a wave of peace in Africa at a function marking the end of centenary celebrations of Mahatma Gandhi's Satyagraha (passive resistance) in South Africa.
Sri Sri was the Honourary Guest from India at the meet held in Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was formerly imprisoned. The event on Sunday was attended by Deputy President of South Africa Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Glen Mahlangu, former president of South Africa De Klerk, cabinet ministers, members of parliament and diplomats, said a press release from the movement.
Hailing the peaceful transformation in South Africa as a model for the rest of Africa, Sri Sri said South Africa could start a wave that can bring peace in Africa. He took note of Africa's old and evolved philosophies such as Ubuntu, which means . "I am because you are. You are because I am".
"This was a heartfelt cry of an evolved human being which recognises that there is but one divinity," he said, adding that the philosophy was identical to the ancient Indian ideal of "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" (The world is one family).
"To eliminate terrorism, we need to spiritualise politics, socialise business and secularise religion," he said.
Stressing that Africa's wisdom needed to be shared with the world, he emphasised the need to amalgamate the values of Ubuntu and Gandhi with modern progress. Former political prisoners including Ahmed Kathrada, who was sentenced with Mandela to life imprisonment, also attended the event.
The Satyagraha centenary celebrations were hosted by the Phoenix Settlement Trust, a government integrated project near Durban, which serves as an interpretation centre by translating Gandhian philosophy into ethnic languages.
Sri Sri earlier visited the trust and lit the "light of hope" for peace in Africa at Sarvodaya, Gandhi's erstwhile ashram. He said that the Gandhian trinity values of satyagraha, ahimsa (non-violence) and sarvodaya (welfare for all) cannot exist in isolation or apart from each other. Sri Sri was on a five-day tour of the African continent.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Africa Swallow ME
A poem by a member of Iqhude youth Theatre Group and featured on our CD :African Satsung!
Africa Swallow Me:
Her mountains prominently welcome you as her trade mark
Across those mountains lies beneath
The tranquility of our uniqueness
The Revolutional Land profounded with
gigantic philosophy
Born and Bred under the Beautiful Clear Sky
With the sun blazing down directly on to
My brown Skin
Africa Swallow Me
The land that infiltrates morality and dignity
Down to its’ abundant Soil
Nourished with love and peace
I walk: Ndihamba Ndiyathela with Pride
Ngesidima Nesithozela
Though you have indulged yourself in agony
Though you have shed endless tears
Though you have contributed controversy amongst your children
Thunder Stormy weather you have engulfed
Africa Still you give birth to sunshine
I salute you heroes and heroines
For swallowing their pride and amplifying the empire of omAfrica
They have all tasted the victory of freedom
Our generation commemorates with monumentous decorative tapestry
Forgetting not the Hottentots and Khoi- khois artistry
We are the generation of our ancestry
She flows with prosperity
Perishing away the impediments
blocking our journey through life
Suddenly we are all united together
by this rhythm made by the creatures on the face of the earth
Africa we hold our future in our hands
Africa you shall swallow me.
Andisiwe Mba.
Africa Swallow Me:
Her mountains prominently welcome you as her trade mark
Across those mountains lies beneath
The tranquility of our uniqueness
The Revolutional Land profounded with
gigantic philosophy
Born and Bred under the Beautiful Clear Sky
With the sun blazing down directly on to
My brown Skin
Africa Swallow Me
The land that infiltrates morality and dignity
Down to its’ abundant Soil
Nourished with love and peace
I walk: Ndihamba Ndiyathela with Pride
Ngesidima Nesithozela
Though you have indulged yourself in agony
Though you have shed endless tears
Though you have contributed controversy amongst your children
Thunder Stormy weather you have engulfed
Africa Still you give birth to sunshine
I salute you heroes and heroines
For swallowing their pride and amplifying the empire of omAfrica
They have all tasted the victory of freedom
Our generation commemorates with monumentous decorative tapestry
Forgetting not the Hottentots and Khoi- khois artistry
We are the generation of our ancestry
She flows with prosperity
Perishing away the impediments
blocking our journey through life
Suddenly we are all united together
by this rhythm made by the creatures on the face of the earth
Africa we hold our future in our hands
Africa you shall swallow me.
Andisiwe Mba.
Shaping the Journey
On the 07 of December 17 volunteer artists performed at the PriemvThis has lead to a Multi Cultural Dance Performance piece by volunteers on 17 Dec 06 at the Premiers residence, who performed alongside the Cape Town Symphony Orchestra to celebrate justice and reconciliation.
l His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar founder of AOL, was a guest of honor, meeting with the Deputy President, Heads of State & dignitaries on Robben Island and the Premier & Bishop Ndungane at the Premiers Residence.
Celebrating a common vision of reconciliation, peace and non violence.
The piece performed was called "shaping the Journey";a message to all brothers and sisters that this path of reconciliation can only be walked together hand in hand….and in fact that’s what is happening!
l His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar founder of AOL, was a guest of honor, meeting with the Deputy President, Heads of State & dignitaries on Robben Island and the Premier & Bishop Ndungane at the Premiers Residence.
Celebrating a common vision of reconciliation, peace and non violence.
The piece performed was called "shaping the Journey";a message to all brothers and sisters that this path of reconciliation can only be walked together hand in hand….and in fact that’s what is happening!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
An Articulated wish

minds start moving together towards one goal. People who share visions in the greater Scheme of the Big Artness of life!
Thats what this story is about ....so Im going to let you in on a potential chapter of this living Story. ...
A space where arstists from the townships and the city can collaborate creatively.
A space that bridges the Gap between Self taught Arstists and Academic Artists.
A space for the artists by the artsits.
A place where people with creative ideas can mingle with interested intiators,
A space that bridges the Gap between Self taught Arstists and Academic Artists.
A space for the artists by the artsits.
A place where people with creative ideas can mingle with interested intiators,
A space where Visual art, Perforamance Art, Poetry, Dance can be shared for the people of the city.
A Creative Jam Space of infinite potential,
with artists studios and regular exhbitions...
A place that offers regular workshops expounding capacity in the visual arts.
A beautiful studio space for artists to play in. ....
Very exciting...so much potential ....and guesse what?
This space already exsists.
a Beautiful Old Building in Loop Street Capetown that was (I love this:) an african Market.
Its has Big Well lighted Studio Space and a Massive exhibtion, workshop Space. We just have to raise enough to cover the meager rent of R3000 .
Of course once we occupy the space it will pay for itself: Art EXhitions, Yoga Classes, Performance Art and Theatre Productions, Dance Classes and Other Creative Instigations.
So Im putting this out there as an aritculated wish to the universe.
if you wish to contribute to a space that will draw some precious threads into this story. .......send me an email
This Could be the city base for the Living Story linking up artists working in Khayelitsha and
Guguletu. ...because , and I say this because its an unforunate reality...people just dont know whats going on these places
Guguletu. ...because , and I say this because its an unforunate reality...people just dont know whats going on these places
...so we will just have take a few steps forward to meet them.
Im going to be posting more on the potnetial creative synergys that are already fluttering about that could be grounded if this space where to happen.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Natural Farming Workshop
Ntombi Tongo 

Model Design of a Permaculture Farm
There was a song that was song during this week translated from Xhosa it says "we are going to Eastern Cape with Knowledge" it was first sung by the mamas as they danced around our the first compost heap they had ever seen.
It is so beautiful to see people regain hope, for them to realise that they can do something about their own situations, to realise that it doesn't need to come from somewhere else once upon a time in the maybe future. but that it can start right now with a bit of love and sunshine.

The Children at the Sousebenza Youth centre learning how to work their garden

Model Design of a Permaculture Farm
wow what an amazing week full of song and celebration of Ubuntu- the spirit of togtherness.
In 10 days dicovering the true meaning of Abundance. everything we could possibly need is all right in front of our eyes if we just choose to look hard enough.
With Earth and Sun and Rain we can grow all the food we could possibly need and do it in a way that does not harm our planet.
One seed has more wealth inside of it than any bank and can provide enough food to last a life time.
we are all so connected together that everything you do will have an impact on the whole of creation.
we are all so connected together that everything you do will have an impact on the whole of creation.
Such invaluable knowledge and yet knowledge that should really be indigenous to all of us
Tony a beautiful guy from Phillipe on the course summed it up exactly. We where talking about the Wetlands and how people in the townships often use this as a place to throw their rubbish "away" But "there is no away" he said; every place on this earth is a home to some plant or creature and by being unmindful in our actions we are harming the very system that sustains us.
Participating where youth From Khayelitsha ( the largest Township in Cape Town) as well as an amazing group of people from the rural villages of Eastern Cape- all camping out on the farm.
Why is it that we have forgotten to harvest all our natural resources in a way that is not harmfull to ourselves. What happened that we replaced our own food security with a such sense of lack? How could it be that there are so many people starving in this world? What has lead to such devastation on our planet that it has become visible to Astronauts in space?
......people in the Eastern Cape although they live far surrounded by nature have become reliant on pesticides and chemicals devoped by modern agricyulture to support there crops. These not only slowly deteriorate their land but also make them reliant on an economy that doesn't support them .
Tony a beautiful guy from Phillipe on the course summed it up exactly. We where talking about the Wetlands and how people in the townships often use this as a place to throw their rubbish "away" But "there is no away" he said; every place on this earth is a home to some plant or creature and by being unmindful in our actions we are harming the very system that sustains us.
Participating where youth From Khayelitsha ( the largest Township in Cape Town) as well as an amazing group of people from the rural villages of Eastern Cape- all camping out on the farm.
Why is it that we have forgotten to harvest all our natural resources in a way that is not harmfull to ourselves. What happened that we replaced our own food security with a such sense of lack? How could it be that there are so many people starving in this world? What has lead to such devastation on our planet that it has become visible to Astronauts in space?
......people in the Eastern Cape although they live far surrounded by nature have become reliant on pesticides and chemicals devoped by modern agricyulture to support there crops. These not only slowly deteriorate their land but also make them reliant on an economy that doesn't support them .
It is this that had lead to the terrible conditions that people are living in in the rural villages. erosion caused from overgrazing and bad farming has been washing away the earths' topsoil into the sea resulting in failed crops ......we have forgotten how to live with nature and this has lead to serious poverty throughout the planet.
but there there are people who are relearning this lost knowledge. There are people who are remembering how sacred we are. There are people who are talking to plants and listing to the soil. We are remembering the ways of the forest ..we are relearning her secrets.
but there there are people who are relearning this lost knowledge. There are people who are remembering how sacred we are. There are people who are talking to plants and listing to the soil. We are remembering the ways of the forest ..we are relearning her secrets.
There was a song that was song during this week translated from Xhosa it says "we are going to Eastern Cape with Knowledge" it was first sung by the mamas as they danced around our the first compost heap they had ever seen.
It is so beautiful to see people regain hope, for them to realise that they can do something about their own situations, to realise that it doesn't need to come from somewhere else once upon a time in the maybe future. but that it can start right now with a bit of love and sunshine.
Friday, December 1, 2006
Aids Day

Isn't it remarkable that this virus has chosen to spread itself using the most sacred human acts of Love?
and Isn't it remarkable that it has chosen the one thing that creates more human life?
Its as if its saying; whats the point of creating more life when that life is not respected and upheld through the divine expression of Love ;that without respect for life thru love ....life can and will slowly be destroyed..........
and that HAS happened throughout human existence its just that this symptom HIV is how it manifests these days....Its true : if you dont have safe sex you are at risk of getting HIV . But safe sex hasn't cured anything ...because you can still have safe sex and not respect life, not appreciate that every moment breath passes through your lips and nose that it is a divine miracle of unconditional love,
Breathe does not choose who to give life to....criminals and spiritual masters all breathe the same air....
And yet we still do not realize how sacred this life is and what a gift it can be. And if spiritual masters and criminals breathe the same breathe, then doesn't that mean they are the the same? Do they not have the same blessings and opportunities in life?They do if they realize this one simple piece of Knowledge..........
and I think that's what would make a beautiful story.....that regardless of who you are or where you come from....
you can realise that every moment of life is an act of divine love
and knowing this ...you come to celebration and you look after all your brothers and sisters in the world .
Which is why through the celebrating of human life through human expression such as things like art, music , dance , meditation and creativity we are able to share and acknowledge our divine selves because art is the expression of life ...
the acknowledgment that regardless what is happening in that moment of breath : good or bad it is still divine love....
we cannot solve all the worlds problems, but we can still create love where ever we go.
and Isn't it remarkable that it has chosen the one thing that creates more human life?
Its as if its saying; whats the point of creating more life when that life is not respected and upheld through the divine expression of Love ;that without respect for life thru love ....life can and will slowly be destroyed..........
and that HAS happened throughout human existence its just that this symptom HIV is how it manifests these days....Its true : if you dont have safe sex you are at risk of getting HIV . But safe sex hasn't cured anything ...because you can still have safe sex and not respect life, not appreciate that every moment breath passes through your lips and nose that it is a divine miracle of unconditional love,
Breathe does not choose who to give life to....criminals and spiritual masters all breathe the same air....
And yet we still do not realize how sacred this life is and what a gift it can be. And if spiritual masters and criminals breathe the same breathe, then doesn't that mean they are the the same? Do they not have the same blessings and opportunities in life?They do if they realize this one simple piece of Knowledge..........
and I think that's what would make a beautiful story.....that regardless of who you are or where you come from....
you can realise that every moment of life is an act of divine love
and knowing this ...you come to celebration and you look after all your brothers and sisters in the world .
Which is why through the celebrating of human life through human expression such as things like art, music , dance , meditation and creativity we are able to share and acknowledge our divine selves because art is the expression of life ...
the acknowledgment that regardless what is happening in that moment of breath : good or bad it is still divine love....
we cannot solve all the worlds problems, but we can still create love where ever we go.
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